The start of a new year brings up so many feelings. It’s a chance to reflect on moments from the past year, good and bad, as well as think ahead. I’m not much of a resolution person but I do like to set goals for each year and take stock at the end of year on whether I made steps towards them, as well as look back at the past twelve months and think about how I’ve felt, what I would like to change and what I’d like to continue in the next year. My favourite way to do this is pen to paper journalling as it gets all my thoughts out of my head and onto the page and they are there to look back on in the future too.
If you’re new to long form writing, I created a guide on how to start journalling a while back. Most of the time I just write whatever comes into my mind but at the end of year and at the end of each month I tend to follow a more structured approach. These are some prompts I’m using in January, that you might like to try too:
- What were the highlights of 2023?
- What drained me in 2023?
- What are some themes from the last year?
- How do I want to feel in 2024?
- What do I want my life to look like in one year’s time?
- What steps do I need to take to achieve my goals?
- What’s one word that I want to sum up 2024?
Something else I love to do is create a vision board, made up of images that represent key themes or things I’d like to happen in the next year. It’s something to add to and change throughout the year but we’re ~ manifesting ~ a year of happiness, travel and making memories. I’d love to know how you reflect on the year in the comments!