I’m over the moon to share my flash fiction was shortlisted for the 2024 Bridport Prize. I can’t wait to read the winning and highly commended pieces.
The ‘it’s good news’ email landing in my inbox was a huge confidence boost in terms of putting my words out there. Sometimes I feels silly, tapping away on this little blog or over on my Substack. It’s embarrassing when I know friends are reading. It’s the cringe of being perceived, of being seen trying, but actually this is what I love doing.
Being on this shortlist for an international prize has encouraged me to keep sending my words out to see where they’ll end up. I’m not going to publish the story here just yet because I hope to find it a home elsewhere but if you’d like to you can read my recently published flashfiction ‘Paper Girls’.
I’d encourage anyone thinking about entering Bridport, or another competition, to give it a go. You might be surprised!